The use of hollow glass microsphere has been now included in biomedical and a very promising example for the same is its use for targeted drug delivery. Traditionally, such delivery was performed by controlling the dosage, but it had numerous drawbacks, one of which was that it made it cumbersome to locate and then hold the delivery system in the gastrointestinal tract as a result of variations caused by gastric releases. These variations then caused issues in terms of drug release and decreased its quantity which resulted in short residence of the medicine in the tract and was not as effective for the patient.
How Hollow Glass Microspheres Changed the Game?
To increase the retention capacity in the gastrointestinal tract, these microspheres have been incorporated and even tested on certain patients who were kept under observation in clinical settings. Hollow glass microspheres in terms of biomedical are made from ceramics and bioactive glasses which are aimed to have a hollow cavity that has a diameter between 10 and 100 microns for incorporating numerous substances. The most common method of administering medicine for the purpose of circulation in the system is through the mouth (oral route) but this sometimes results in decreased absorption of the drug in the tract which then defeats the purpose and the impact of the dose on the patient and then other alternatives have to be used which also results in wastage.
The cavity of the microsphere allows it to carry within itself numerous drugs which are sensitive in nature and guards them against other secretions in the body that might disrupt its utility and reduce its availability before reaching the desired location. Further, these hollow spheres can are durable and stay in the gastric region longer than any other compound thus increasing the residence time of the medicines in the tract.
PETRA MicroLite GM allows for increased capacity to carry drugs and enhance loading efficiency which results in the controlled release of medicines in the tract. It also due to its hollow nature enhances the bioavailability of the medicine and helps in the reduction of wastage of these medicines. Microspheres can be incorporated in such a way that their shape and size are consistent which then results in the effective delivery of the medicine to the desired site in the body. Also, because they are highly porous, have increased diameter they become one of the best carriers of therapeutic agents. The hollowness at the core further results in low density to an extent that they have the capability to become buoyant and this characteristic makes it useful in a diverse range of ways.
Hollow Glass Microsphere Advantages
The hollow glass microsphere can:
- Control the dosage of medicines and also regulate its intervals thus allowing better treatment of patients.
- This feature also allows for consistent drug release for the purpose of maintaining a certain level of plasma.
- The shape of the microspheres also allows for increased retention in the tract and thus increases the therapeutic effects and longevity.
- It also allows for targeted delivery in the stomach, controlled release to eliminate irritation caused by gastric secretions.
PETRA MicroLite GM has a distinct characteristic which is interconnectivity between the pores existing in walls. These pores allow the micro balloons incorporated in them to carry gases and numerous materials. Microspheres are continuously being researched to develop more usage in healthcare.