Application of Hollow Glass Microsphere in Oil and Gas Sector and Construction Sector

Hollow Glass Microsphere in Oil and Gas

Why are Hollow Glass Microspheres used in Drilling Fluids?

The hollow glass microspheres are inert in nature and are mostly used as agents to reduce the density of something. In the oil and gas industry, hollow glass microspheres are used by adding them to the drilling fluids in order to reduce their density. Along with being inert they are also stable thermally and have strength thus can be used with both water and oil. They offer a reduction of around 2.086 lbm/gal in the fluid when they are added.

The reduction in density associated with the hollow glass spheres allows for a more effective circulating density. The sphere when added to the drilling fluid results in high viscosity and stability which enables easy management and measurement while drilling. These fluids containing hollow glass microspheres can be utilised in drilling in various conditions which may be either balanced or underbalanced. The use of these spheres also results in the depletion of reservoirs as well as high permeability formations. The differential pressure thus increases the productivity while conducting drilling operations as well as during production.

Hollow glass sphere due to its high strength can adjust to the conditions present in the downhole while drilling and also work well with equipment used for control and pumping. These spheres can help in increasing the drilling rate by reduction in the bottom-hole fluid pressures. But this to a great extent depends on the pressure of the hydrostatic column and other forces which might be present whilst drilling.

not only results in the conservation of energy but also reduces costs. The other factor is that because the drilling fluid can be re-used it also becomes environmental friendly and more sustainable to an extent. PETRA MicroLite Glass Microspheres extensively used in drilling fluids because they are economical and of high quality.

Why Hollow Glass Microspheres are used for Energy Saving?

Hollow glass spheres have wide uses in thermal insulation due to their high strength, low density, and chemical resistance. One method of saving energy through glass hollow spheres is using it in drilling and extraction as discussed above. But this energy-saving feature is also very integral to the construction industry as energy is being used significantly in residential sectors. The increase in use of energy is a result of many things such as bad insulation in buildings as well as air conditioners which sometimes even result in 50% of the total energy consumption.

The most effective solution to conserve energy and cut down on costs is to reduce the impact of solar heat and the dissemination of this heat which occurs through rooftops, walls by using insulation that reduces thermal conductivity and increased infrared radiation reflectivity. The most feasible option is to add multiple layers of this insulation through coatings. PETRA MicroLite Glass Microspheres are excellent for thermal insulation applications.

The effectiveness of the thermal property of the hollow glass microsphere has been proved in numerous studies by inspection of its various facets including transfer of heat and the reaction of incorporating hollow glass microspheres in diverse kinds of materials. One such study was conducted in terms of soda-lime silicate under an SEM which showed that the bubbles formed after the incorporation of hollow glass microspheres are spherical in nature and have a very broad surface distribution.

When using the material for insulation, one important observation has to be made in regard to durability as long-term durability is essential in terms of different external factors such as pressure, water, and temperature. The size of the microsphere needs to be proper in order to make it balanced as well as anticorrosive in terms of performance. Further, it should also guard the surface against becoming foul thus extending its durability. Studies have also proved that hollow glass microspheres result in increased thermal and mechanical characteristics of foams used for insulating. One of the examples is that of a polysiloxane-made foam which is made by crosslinking and foaming procedures and reinforcing it with hollow glass microspheres. This has been shown to result in enhanced thermal stability and increased uniformity.

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Hollow Glass Microsphere in Oil and Gas
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